Dr Carlos and Karen Feijoo and Stephanie picked us up at the airport in Quito around 7:20 pm. They took us by bus back to the Alliance Guest House, where we are staying for the night before we leave for Carabuela. Pastor Paul shmoozed at the airport to get the Soderstroms bulkhead seats, their legs don't fit in the normal row! All the supplies from church( 190 pounds of supplies collected at church and VBS!)...and our luggage made it down safely.
Believe it or not, we were actually fed dinner on the flight from Miami! Gas here is $1.90 a gallon here and a bottle of water at the Miami airport was $3.25(go figure!). Brian Soderstroms feet hang off the end of the bed here. We actually have the same bus driver as the last time, he's awesome. Josh and Joey Swenson also met us at the airport, they are now working down here as missionaries.
We're all excited for tomorrow and will sleep well in our nice accommodations.
~Katherine(speaking for everyone)
BTW: In showers here, the "C" on the knob does NOT stand for cold..it took me a while to figure that out. (it stands for caliente, or hot in spanish)